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The responsibility of the emergency management component of DSSEP is to strengthen the resilience of Broward College through ensuring that the College is prepared to respond to, prevent, recover from, and mitigate against the effects of a wide variety of disasters that could adversely affect the health, safety, and/or general welfare of the students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
The Director of Emergency Management is responsible for directing, planning, organizing and overseeing College-wide emergency management operations and activities. To accomplish this, various partnerships and collaborative relationships have been cultivated to support the continuity of the College's ability to accomplish its core mission.
Broward College's emergency management approach is designed around an all-hazards and whole community concept which expounds upon national preparedness efforts, planning frameworks and mission areas to charge protection, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery functions.
Efforts of preparation involve preliminary actions, before an emergency or disaster, which focuses on long-term solutions to reducing risk and the ability to be in a ready state to respond. Click to find information for BEFORE an emergency.
It is important to understand the "How To" when responding to emergency situations. Use this section to learn what to do during an emergency.
Efforts to recover from incidents focuses on coordinated and directed actions taken to return to normal and safe operations in an effective and efficient manner. Recovery doesn't just occur, it’s an element that has been strategically organized.
Broward College Emergency Plans Suite provides information and direction on the emergency management functions of the College through all hazards.
Understand how you may be better prepared for a potential severe weather situation.
Learn various steps to take if you are faced in an active shooter situation.
It is critical that you take the time to invest in preparedness efforts prior to findings yourself in an emergency or disaster situation. Below are several resources and activities that are designed to improve your ability to respond in times of emergencies. Designed around the three "P's" take time to Prepare, Plan, and Practice.
All week we will be posting helpful information from the National Weather Service on several types of severe weather. Click the links below to find out about lightning risk, rip tide, tornados and severe thunderstorms, flooding, and extreme temperatures.
Invest in pre-emergency situation elements as they will help you navigate emergency situations much better than if you hadn't.
Emergencies may come in many forms and from various directions. Planning responses is an important measure in developing an effective and efficient response.
Practice makes perfect. By practicing, training, exercising, and conducting drills, Broward College can provide and effective and efficient response in times of emergency situations.
In any emergency, the first thing you should do is call 911 and then afterwards, if it is safe to do so, call Campus Safety at 954-201-HELP (4357). Use the guide below to help you understand how to respond during emergencies that could affect the campus. Please also review our emergency quick guide & evacuation procedures for more information
Follow all directives issued by BC Alert, Campus Safety, and Emergency Responders.
Call 911.
If Safe to do so, call Campus Safety at 954-201-HELP (4357).
Call 911.
If safe to do so, call Campus Safety at 954-201-HELP (4357).
For Fire:
Call 911
If safe to do so, call Campus Safety at 954-201-HELP (4357).
For Bomb Threat:
Call 911.
If safe to do so, call Campus Safety at 954-201-HELP (4357).
Call 911.
If safe to do so, call Campus Safety at 954-201-HELP (4357).
Follow all directives issued by BC Alert, Campus Safety, and Emergency Responders.
In the absence of directives by BC Alert, Campus Safety, and/or Emergency Responders, do one or more of the following when appropriate.
Procedures for Reporting a Crime or Incident
All students, faculty/staff members, and guests of Broward College are encouraged to report criminal activity, activity of a suspicious nature, and emergencies of any sort that occur at any of Broward College’s campuses or learning centers directly to the Campus Safety Department as soon as possible to ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics and to aid in providing timely warning notices to the College community, when appropriate. Students, faculty/staff, and guests should immediately report crimes in progress and other emergencies by dialing 911.
Campus Safety is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week to respond to service calls. Campus Safety Officers will meet a caller anywhere on campus to investigate a reported incident and/or assist with notifying local law enforcement.
Be prepared to give your location. Take time to learn the campuses, centers, and especially those areas you frequent regularly. Take note of building numbers, names, and landmarks which will help Campus Safety and Law Enforcement respond.
Give as much detail as possible. When reporting a suspicious situation, incident, or emergency, please give as much detail as possible about an individual or vehicle. When giving descriptions about individuals include gender, race, approximate height and weight, physical features, clothing, accessories, and anything else that would help responders to recognize the individual. When describing a vehicle include make, model, color, license plate, unique features, visible damage, and a description of the driver and passengers if any.
For those who would prefer to report a specific incident or crime to someone other than Campus Safety or local law enforcement officers, Broward College has designated certain members of its faculty and staff to serve as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). Persons designated by the College as CSAs include: Academic Deans and Associate Deans, Campus Life Directors and Administrators, The Athletic Director and Assistant Director, Athletic Coaches and Assistant Coaches, Faculty Advisors to student groups/clubs, and Student Affairs Officials. All CSAs receive training and directives in accordance to their participation within the program and are capable of responding to your report. For the purpose of Clery Act reporting, all crimes reported to a CSA are forwarded to Campus Safety for inclusion in the Annual Security Report.
After an incident having response plans in place play a critical role in ensuring coordinated and directed actions that ensure a return to safe and normal operations. The current plan provides for timely direction, control, and coordination and establishes time-phased implementation procedures to activate various components and units.
Broward College Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)
The Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) establishes the policy and guidance to ensure the execution of the mission-essential functions for Broward College in the event that an emergency threatens or incapacitates operations; and the relocation of selected personnel and functions of any essential facilities of Broward College are required. In efforts to ensure the integrity and protection of the COOP, it is disseminated only to District/Campus Incident Management Team members.
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan - The Broward College CEMP is the master operations document governing Broward College's ability to respond to emergencies, and to catastrophic, major and minor disasters on all campuses and facilities. The CEMP describes the basic strategies, assumptions, roles, and responsibilities and operational objectives which will guide the Broward College community to be as prepared as possible for the hazards that will most likely occur.
Severe Weather Plan - The SWP specifically addresses incidents caused by weather and other natural causes and provides basic guidelines in planning for emergencies. It is intended to be a management-supported, documented, and cost-effective plan providing college-wide capability for organized preparation and timely recovery from a major unforeseen disruption caused by a hurricane, tornado, or other severe weather event. The SWP is update on an annual basis or as needed.
Standard Operating Guidelines - SOGs are restricted to District/Campus Incident Management Team Members. Standard Operating Guidelines have been developed for each campus and associated centers. The SOGs provide for a more customized all-hazards approach particular to each campus and its associate centers. Furthermore, SOGs develop guidelines for dealing with existing and potential incidents.
The Emergency Response Guide provides procedures to follow during emergencies at Broward College.
If you are interested in printing this guide for your work location, you may do so by clicking the customizable link below and proceed to edit the text box and enter in your specific location information.
The Occupant Emergency Action Plan (OEAP) program is designed around a customizable and editable document which may be used by buildings throughout the College in developing actionable plans towards evacuations and shelter in place incidents. Please contact the Department of Safety, Security & Emergency Preparedness in reference to this document.
Tropical cyclones are one of the most dangerous natural disasters South Florida is at risk of. South Florida's hurricane season runs from June 1st and ends November 30th and a key to being safe is preparing for these devastating weather incidents prior to their potential. By knowing what actions to take, you drastically reduce the effects of a hurricane.
The Department of Safety, Security & Emergency Preparedness has worked to put together a Broward College Hurricane Safety Action Guide which is designed to serve as a quick reference guide for you. This printable PDF document contains hurricane safety tips, a tracking chart, safety information, as well as checklists to ensure you are prepared not only at Broward College but also in your personal lives at home.
Additional hurricane preparedness information and resources include:
National Hurricane Center | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Florida Division of Emergency Management | Broward County Emergency Management | Miami Dade Emergency Management
The Department hopes to enhance preparedness by providing and directing you to information, resources, and tools to be better prepared for incidents such as an active shooter. In most incidents, there is no pattern or method to the actions taken by an active shooter and in these moments it is often unpredictable and quickly evolve. In order to help you better prepared and to deal with these types of incidents, Broward College has compiled information provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other partners in order to raise awareness and response actions.
Options for considerations is an active shooter preparedness video developed by the Department of Homeland Security which demonstrates possible actions to take if confronted with an active shooter incident.
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