Theatre at Broward College

Broward College theatre is a world-class accredited area of study in theatrical performance and technical theatre education. Outstanding faculty, excellent facilities, and a magnificent performance venue have been the launch pad for aspiring student actors for over fifty years.

  1. An audition is required for all new Theatre students. To schedule an appointment, contact Linda Mashack at or 954-201-8233.
  2. The program offers a full complement of theatre classes as electives in the
    Associate in Arts degree (theatre/dramatic arts): Transferable to universities for degrees in Acting, Theatre Performance, and Technical Theatre. Theatre courses are part of the 24-credit elective component.
  3. Non-majors may enroll in theatre classes and may audition for any theatre production.

An Audition for all students is required to perform in a Theatre production. Production call boards for all performances are available at the Performing Cultural Arts Theatre (PCAT), building 68 on Broward College’s South Campus.

Satefy Procedures for Theatre on South Campus

Theatre Student Handbook

More information:
South Campus, Building 71, Room 105

Broward College is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST).