What is the Broward College Internship EDGE Program?

The EDGE program offers a short-term, supervised work experience directly related to a student's declared major, allowing them to earn academic credit. This internship provides students with valuable, hands-on experience in their field of study. To complete the program, students must fulfill 144 work hours and complete all course assignments for the three (3) credit internship.

Please note that Broward College (BC) does not support non-credit internships unless students receive a salary. Additionally, students are responsible for paying the standard tuition rate for the three (3) credit internship courses.

Student Eligibility

  • Currently enrolled in a degree program at BC
  • Completed 18 college credits
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA

Please note: Students pay the standard tuition rate for a (3) credit internship course. Financial aid is available for those who qualify.

Paid internships are not guaranteed for International Students.

International students with F1 visa status are eligible to participate in a paid internship if they meet the following requirements:

  • Have one year in valid F1 status
  • Must be in good academic standing
  • The internship is an integral part of the student's degree program
  • Students must be enrolled in the internship class for the term they will be employed
  • Must have been offered a job and have the name and address of the employer

Benefits of an Internship

  • Earn three (3) academic credits.
  • Gain practical experience and job knowledge.
  • Explore career opportunities related to your field of study.
  • Network and make valuable contacts in your professional field.

Get Started

  1. Register for the Broward College online job board at Handshake and upload a current resume.
  2. Secure an internship related to your field of study. It is up to the student to search for and secure an internship. The Internship EDGE office works with employers to post internship opportunities specifically for BC students at Handshake.

    Students also find internships on their own by calling companies/organizations for which they would like to work. Internship opportunities are also posted in employment sections of newspapers such as the Sun-sentinel, and employment search engines such as Indeed and Handshake.

  3. Obtain an internship offer letter. The letter should include the Company Name, Contact Personnel Dates of Hire, and Brief Description of Internship duties.
  4. Complete the Determination of Eligibility for Participation in an internship for college credits.

Students are required to complete the following if they are offered an internship:

  • Meet with the assigned Internship Instructor to create measurable learning outcomes, review the internship course book, discuss mid-term and end-of-term projects, and sign the Broward College Internship Agreement
  • Pay for the internship course after being registered by the Academic Advisor
  • Arrange a consultation with the workplace site supervisor to obtain a signature for the Broward College Internship Agreement, discuss learning objectives and job duties, create a work schedule, and discuss employer expectations
  • Perform appropriate professional-level duties and responsibilities under the supervision of the workplace site supervisor, keeping a time log of work hours
  • Communicate and meet with Internship Instructor throughout the internship concerning job duties and responsibilities, work schedule, mid-term project and end-of-term project, and any concerns that occur during the internship
  • Submit all paperwork and completed assignments promptly to the Internship Instructor
  • Fulfill the minimum required amount of working hours (144 hours for 3 credits)
  • Display a high level of professionalism throughout your internship experience

Complete your profile via the Handshake Portal.

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