BC Talks

The goals of BC Talks are to showcase the public speaking capabilities or spoken expressions of our student body, offer an opportunity for proficient speakers to gain experience, and educate students on the fundamentals of public speaking by observing proficient speakers.

Currently, BC Talks coordinates college-wide speech showcases and annual speech competitions. In order to participate, a student must be enrolled as a current part-time or full-time.

Current Speech Event

BC Talks' So You Think You Can Speak: An Impromptu Showdown

BC Talks' So You Think You Can Speak: An Impromptu Showdown is the 8th annual college-wide speech contest. Impromptu speaking, also known as "thinking on your feet" or "speaking off the cuff," is the delivery of a speech without much or any time to prepare. To do well, a contestant must discuss the topic appropriately, develop an organized speech, as well as deliver the speech with confidence and within a specific time limit. Contestants will be challenged on 3 different levels as contestants are eliminated at each level based on the audience's votes. Although viewers will vote on the contestants that will compete after the first two levels, in Level 3, the BC Talks Committee will select the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners based on their performance.

Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
Time: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Type of Event: Virtual (Zoom)
Registration Link

Event Flyer  Guidelines  Contest Entry Form

BC Talks Committee

Rosena Beniste
Chair of Committee | Associate Professor, Speech Communication | Central Campus
Laura Raymond
Assistant Professor, Speech Communication | Central Campus
Richard Louis
Assistant Professor, Speech Communication | South Campus
Ruth Stewart
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication | Central Campus

BC Talks Contest Hall of Fame

2024 Winners

Avital Ohayon

1st Place
Speech Professor: Hannah Moody

Tatiana Zelman

2nd Place
Speech Professor: Rosena Beniste

Bela Castellanos

3rd Place
Speech Professor: Brittany Valera

Contact Us

And we will get in touch as soon as possible.