BC Talks: Speech Showcase

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

Thursday, November 17, 2021; 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Welcoming Remarks

Kathryn Manarang, Student Host

Part 1:
Professional Speakers Showcase

Shani Curry
Jefferson Noel
Eli Vazquez
Frankie "Red" Rosso

Question & Answer Session

Part 2
Open Mic


Shaina Salomon, Violinist
Niani Ngodo, Poet

Open Mic Speakers

Melissa Hernandez, Student
Walter Burton, Faculty
Franklin Ferrer, Student
Nicholas Stein, Student
Berditson St. Louis, Student
Katherine Entebi, Student
Katelyn Rodriguez, Student
Lentz Homicile, Student
Eduardo Molina, Student
Courtney Reiner, Student
Tevon Harding, Student
Renee Prentice-Ochoa, Student
Khai Gumbs, Student
Rebecca Catterton, Student

Closing Remarks

Kathryn Manarang, Student Host

Communication Administrators

Amoy Reid, Communication Pathway Dean
Jennifer Solley, Associate Dean, Central
Edward Cornejo, Associate Dean, South
Michelle Jackson, Associate Dean, North
Priscilla Suarez, Associate Dean, Online

BC Talks Committee

Rosena Beniste, Speech Faculty, Central
Laura Raymond, Speech Faculty, Central
Kimberly Kamuca, Speech Faculty, North
Victoria Ng, Speech Faculty, Central
Walter Burton, Speech Faculty, South
Rachel Copley, Speech Faculty, Central

Coordinated by BC Talks Committee
For more information, please contact bctalks@broward.edu

The goals of BC Talks are to showcase the public speaking capabilities or spoken expressions of our student body; offer an opportunity for proficient speakers to gain experience; educate students on the fundamentals of public speaking by observing proficient speakers.