Student Enrichment Programs

While most college students are content with traditional college class formats, you may be hoping to find something more when you start your post-secondary education.
Thankfully, you can at Broward College.
Maybe you need extra support to help you finish your degree and graduate college. Perhaps you thrive in a close-knit setting, where you really have the chance to form a bond with your classmates and teachers. Whatever your particular learning style is, we have academic enrichment programs in place that will see you through college successfully.

Student Peer Mentoring and Leadership Program

Broward College has partnered with PeerForward and AmeriCorps to launch, the first of its kind, Peer Mentoring and Leadership program. Peer Leaders can mentor and support you each step of the way as you work towards completing your degree and reaching your educational goals. Peer Leaders are current students or BC alumni just like you who have been trained in leadership and mentoring skills to be able to provide the best possible support to become a successful student.

Request a Peer Leader Mentor


  • Develop communication, study and personal skills
  • Improve levels of resilience and perseverance
  • Learn from the experiences of others
  • Build a support system based on encouragement, personal growth, and positivity
  • Connect with an ecosystem proven to help you succeed in your Educational Pathway
  • Increase your circle of friends
  • Learn how to set SMART goals and the resources you need to complete your goals
  • And more....

Learning Communities

The Learning Communities (LC) program serves to strengthen student learning and success. LCs are created by collaborating faculty to link coursework for a more meaningful learning experience. Students in LCs collaborate and typically find more opportunities for interaction with faculty, peers, and academic support staff.

Integrated assignments and projects in LCs promote critical thinking. Students have the benefit of interacting and bonding with other students and faculty members. LCs foster a variety of skills, including motivation, leadership, and real-world success and impact.

Learning Community involves two or more courses under a common theme that share a common group of students. The same cohort of students enrolls in all classes within the LC while the instructors of the paired courses work together, creating activities and assignments that promote academic learning and interaction between the students

Research shows that students enrolled in group learning environments perform better in term-to-term persistence and grade point average (GPA).  Additionally, the overall success rates of these students are higher than those enrolled in the same classes, but not part of a learning communities and contextualized course. 

Other advantages are:

  • Students interact in more active, involved exploratory learning.
  • With greater student-faculty interaction, students can work together to pool their expertise, knowledge and skills.
  • Content is reinforced as students work together and "teach" each other. This improves understanding through additional discussion and explanation.
  • Students are better prepared for real life social and employment situations.

Any currently enrolled student at Broward College can be a part of a learning community. The transition to college may be difficult for some students, whether you're fresh out of high school, new to the country, returning to college after a lengthy hiatus, or even taking a course that you find a bit intimidating. Taking courses with other students with similar academic goals provides the supportive, nurturing environment that will encourage you to succeed.

Contextualized Course

A Contextualized Course is a class that offers learning activities and assignments themed for students’ projected career paths. For instance, in a Freshman Composition class, you may be asked to write an argumentative essay based on an issue impacting your future career, or in a math course, your instructor may have you focus on equations set in scenarios about your future career.