
The Design System offers a variety of navigation elements to help users locate specific features and content. Navigation, in this case, could be generally defined as the set of actions and techniques guiding users throughout the Broward College website, enabling them to fulfill their goals and successfully interact with the site.

Eyebrow Navigation

This global navigation is used across all pages (except microsites). 


Announcements are located in the eyebrow navigation as the bell icon. 

Accessibility Options Navigation

This menu is keyboard accessible (via the Tab button)

BC Alert

When activated, collegewide BC Alert (reddish-orange banner) will display at the top of every page unless manually disabled on a page-by-page basis.

Main Menu

This global menu is used across all pages (except microsites).

Site Search

Site search is available via the Main Navigation, on every page (except microsites). Site search is powered by the third-party tool, Cludo. Users can type their search or use the voice feature. Users are presented with suggested results as they type their query. A dedicated page will display all Search Results matching the query.

Custom Navigation for Microsites

This option will strip out most main navigation elements, including eyebrow, main, site search, announcements, and footer. BC Alert messages can be kept ON or OFF depending on the purpose of the microsite. The custom navigation allows for the use of a Marketing-approved custom logo, menu link with submenu links, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons.

Social Share

Share page on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, email, and more.  







Utility Navigation

This is available on every page and includes:

  • Chat
    • Default: Sammy Seahawk chat offered through a third-party tool
    • None: remove all chat options per page 
    • Custom: Embed a custom chat option
  • Alternative Content Formats powered by Blackboard Ally

Default Chat

Default Chat Open


Chat can also be turned off on a page-by-page basis.

Custom Chat

You can replace the default chat with a custom chat on a page-by-page basis.
Example chat on the Broward College Libraries page.


Crumbs are automatically added to each directory and subdirectory (excluded in most multi-page microsites).

Back to Top

A "back to top" icon is displayed on the lower-right of every page once the user begins to scroll. Clicking on the icon will ease the user back to the top of the page.