Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) at Broward College

Broward College Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are peer groups whose members have common interests. They are voluntary, member-led, and meet in high-trust, open environments. ERGs strengthen the connection of Broward College employees by allowing individuals to contribute to the mission of Broward College by fostering and supporting employee interests.

Connect • Engage • Empower

ERG members network with individuals at Broward College they may otherwise never have a chance to meet. ERGs enhance leadership, networking skills and promote personal and professional development.

ERGs provide cohesiveness across Broward College. They also provide feedback to administration in order to attract and retain highly qualified candidates for employment.

  • Voluntary and welcoming to all employees
  • Encourage lifelong learning, growth, and development
  • Operate in safe and respectful spaces
  • Observe Broward College policies, procedures, and core values

  1. Gather employees who share common interests
  2. Obtain ERG administrative sponsor
  3. Complete the ERG application
  4. Receive approval from the Talent and Culture Department
  5. Promote and market the ERG to attract additional members

  1. ERG(s) should be employee-driven and relate to employee interests
  2. ERG leaders must secure support from an administrative sponsor (Dean or AVP)
  3. ERGs include leader(s) and members/allies
  4. Access the tool kit for more details about ERGs and to submit an application

Administrative Support Professionals Network (ASPN)

The mission is to empower and elevate the administrative and executive assistant community at Broward College by creating a collaborative space that promotes the sharing of knowledge and skills.

Elizabeth Molina, Sponsor | ecarrand@broward.edu
Todd Bernhardt, Sponsor |
Cindy A. Howe | chowe@broward.edu
Francisco Nelson | fnelson@broward.edu
Giannela Haddad | ghaddad@broward.edu
Leila Bijoux | lbijoux@broward.edu

Eagles & Birdies Golf

Eagles & Birdies ERG supports workplace inclusion efforts while strengthening a sense of belonging by encouraging social interaction and conversation through the game of golf. It builds on a total wellness approach using golf activities to promote physical, social, and mental wellness awareness.

Brian Harrison, Sponsor | bharris@broward.edu
Robert Diaz | rdiaz3@broward.edu

Emerging Leaders

The mission of the Emerging Leaders Group is to provide emerging leaders with leadership development opportunities, access to college and community leadership, and networking opportunities.

Janice Stubbs, Sponsor | jstubbs@broward.edu
Candice Maharaj | cmaharaj@broward.edu
Jonelle Orridge | jorridge@broward.edu

Fun Fleet

To build a sense of community connection among Broward College employees through camaraderie, celebration, and fun.

Betsy Lopez, Sponsor | blopez@broward.edu
Alexis Kitchman | akitchma@broward.edu
Katrina Cosme | kcosme@broward.edu

Healthy Choices - Fitness & Wellness

Create a safe place to discuss the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and nutrition. To support Broward College's mission, faculty and staff will learn how to locate, evaluate, and use credible information sources to foster informative discussions, promote wellness, and contribute to lifelong learning.

Karen Parker, Sponsor | kparker@broward.edu
Alex Calmes, Ally | vcalmes@broward.edu
Wanda Sims | wsims@broward.edu

One World

One World aims to foster a welcoming workplace that brings employees together in a safe environment where ideas can flow freely to honor and celebrate multicultural and intersectional identities in our community.

Ana Ovalles, Sponsor | aovalles@broward.edu
Juan Rosa, Ally |
Melvin Rosa | mrosa1@broward.edu

PTS Council

To support the personal and professional growth of Professional & Technical Staff (PTS) and develop a trust, transparency, and collaboration network across Broward College.

Kimberly McCarey, Sponsor | kmccarey@broward.edu
Roberto Rodriguez | rrodrigu@broward.edu

Stronger Together: Sisterhood in the Workplace

To unite women to find support through the spirit of sisterhood and connectedness.

Michelle Levine, Sponsor | mlevine1@broward.edu
Aiyeesha Hill | ahill@broward.edu
Naomi Hammond | nhammond@broward.edu

Employee Resource Groups Events

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Contact Us

Do you have a group suggestion or are you already engaging with a group on individuals that may qualify to be an ERG?