Maintain Your Certification

The fully online alternative certification courses offered at Broward College include the following:

EDF3280: Instructional Strategies (3 credits)
This course prepares participants to become proficient in planning, organizing, and implementing instructional strategies for the contemporary PK-12 classroom. A variety of research-validated effective instructional strategies are reinforced, including those that support constructivist approaches to classroom organization and student learning. Participants will learn to identify, deliver, and improve instructional strategies that are most appropriate in specific circumstances including the needs of diverse learners.

EDG4410: Classroom Management (3 credits)
This course provides identification and knowledge of classroom management and communication theories, strategies, and concerns. Emphasis will be placed on Behavior Management, Discipline and Reward Strategies, Accommodating Special Needs Pre-professional educators, Managing Diverse Cultures, Establishing Rapport and Credibility, Effective Communications Strategies, and Legal and Safety Issues as they apply and relate to the classroom setting.

RED3342: Foundations of Research-Based Practices in Reading Education (3 credits)
This course provides an understanding of the principles of scientifically based reading research as the foundation of comprehensive instruction that synchronizes and scaffolds each of the major components of the reading process to assist students in mastering this process. This course will address effective research-based instruction methodology to prevent reading difficulties and promote the acceleration of reading progress for struggling students, including students with disabilities, and students from diverse populations. Guided field experience provides paraprofessional educators with the experience of observation and interaction with k-12 students.

EDP4004: Principles of Educational Psychology (3 credits)
This course provides a foundation in educational psychology and its application to classroom settings. Special emphasis is placed on development, learning theory, cognition, motivation, diversity, teaching, and assessment. NOTE: THIS COURSE IS EQUIVALENT TO HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Child and adolescent development including theories and principles of learning.

EDF4430: Educational Tests and Measurements (3 credits)
This course helps Education majors develop a philosophy of assessment and understand how a variety of measures combine to provide an accurate picture of student progress and achievement in the current multicultural classroom, develop the knowledge and skills necessary to measure and assess learner progress effectively, and develop actual teacher assessment skills and acquire skills in and perspectives on traditional and alternative assessment strategies. Topics include the basic principles of measurement, formative and summative assessment strategies, test construction, performance assessments, reading and interpreting data from state and standardized achievement tests, and fairness in accommodating diverse learners.

TSL3080: ESOL Issues and Strategies (3 credits)
This course is designed to introduce research-based theories and methodologies along with best practices for teaching ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). The goal of this course is to develop the foundations necessary to prepare pre-service teachers to understand the concepts upon which second language acquisition is developed and the instructional strategies used to design lesson plans, activities, and assessments appropriate in content area courses. It will examine the role and responsibilities of all stakeholders set forth by the Florida Consent Decree and WIDA standards to develop culturally and linguistically diverse learning environments.

EEX3011: Introduction to Exceptional Student Education (3 credits) **Recertification Course
EEX3011 - ESE Education Flyer (PDF)
This course will focus on the characteristics and needs of students with disabilities. Course content will include the different types of programs and services that make up exceptional student education (ESE) and the history of how they came to exist. The Introduction to Exceptional Student Education course will serve as the foundation for the development of a personal and professional understanding and philosophy of ESE. NOTE: THIS COURSE IS AN ACCEPTABLE COURSE THAT MAY BE TAKEN TO SATISFY THE RENEWAL REQUIREMENT FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (SWD).

Courses for Certification-Transition from a Temporary or Renewal of a Professional (Fully Online)

Broward College's Teacher Education Program offers courses that may count toward a Professional Teaching Certificate in Florida. If you have a Temporary Educator's Certificate or a Professional Educator's Certificate issued by the Florida Department of Education, you can register for the courses listed below to apply for a Professional Educator's Certificate. This program of study is intended for applicants who have completed at least one full year of teaching experience in Florida and currently have a Temporary or Professional Certification. If you do not meet the two above requirements, please visit the EPI website, as you may qualify for this program.

If you do not have one of these documents, please apply to the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) for your Statement of Eligibility (SOE). On the application, you must identify which subject area(s) you would like to teach. In addition to completing the application, you must send an official transcript(s) to the FLDOE for review. Based solely on the transcript(s), the FLDOE will determine if you are eligible to teach the specified subject area(s). For more information about teacher certification requirements, visit the Florida Department of Education.

For more information about Courses for Certification, please call 954-201-2500.

Steps to Enroll in Certification Courses

Review available options in the Course Finder including course descriptions and next session start dates. Options include:

Alternative Certification Courses
Course ID Course Name Session Dates
EDG4410 Classroom Management 3 June 26 - August 5
EDF3280 Instructional Strategies 2 May - 13 June 23
EDF4430 Educational Assessment 3 June 26 - August 5
EDP4004 Educational Psychology 3 June 26 - August 5
RED3342 Foundations of Reading 3 June 26 - August 5
RED3342 Foundations of Reading 2 May 13 - June 23
EEX3011 Introduction to ESE 3 June 26 - August 5
TSL3080 ESOL Issues and Strategies 2 May 13 - June 23
Important Note: Register early to secure a spot in the class you need to obtain your professional certificate. The website will be updated with the Fall Schedule and Registration Request Link on Monday, June 30, 2025.

Complete the admissions process by submitting a Broward College Application.

After applying please submit your residency documents.

Submit official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended to the Office of the College Registrar. You may request to have the transcripts sent electronically to Broward College or mail official, sealed hard copies to:

Broward College
Office of the College Registrar
4205 Bonaventure Blvd.
Weston, FL 33332

Submit a Courses for Certification Request Form for the term you intend to begin the program.

This form must be submitted every term you wish to take courses.

Submit a copy of your Temporary Educator's or Professional Educator's Certificate to the Teacher Education Pathway advisor. If your last name starts with A-M, please email Ms. Malene Robinson at

If your last name starts with N-Z, please email Mr. Alejandro Matias at You may scan or take a picture of the document and email it directly. In addition, you will be required to submit your Temporary Educator's Certificate or Professional Educator's Certificate every term in which you wish to take courses. Please note you will not be registered for courses until you have submitted your documentation every term.

Once we receive all the necessary documents, your advisor will register you for the courses specified on your application. Be sure to select your courses based on what the FLDOE has required you to take as it appears on your Statement of Eligibility (SOE). Once registration has been completed you will be notified via email to confirm your schedule and submit payment for the course(s). For information please contact the Teacher Education Pathway at

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please see the instructions below for steps on how to order an official transcript to be sent for review after you complete all of your classes for the endorsement you are looking to add. You may either:

Have the transcript sent directly to the FLDOE

Recommended: Have the official transcripts sent to yourself. Do not open the envelope (it needs to remain official). Write your FLDOE number on the front of the envelope, and send in another envelope certified (for tracking purposes) to the FLDOE

Please refer to the following Registrar's Office website

Official Transcripts:

  • Order official Broward College transcripts or check the status of a previous order through Credentials Solutions, Inc.
  • Current students may also order transcripts through their myBC portal.

Each official transcript incurs a $5.00 fee. All financial obligations must be paid in full prior to official transcripts being released. You may contact Credentials at 847-716-3005 with questions about transcript orders.

We understand that determining which classes to take might be difficult and for that reason, the course descriptions were designed to align with the SOE course descriptions. To further assist with determining which classes to request, please see the list below. As always, we do recommend that if you have any questions or concerns contact the FLDOE certification department at 1 800-445-6739

SOE course descriptions along with matching BC coursework:

  • classroom management with a focus on creating safe learning environments for students in which effective teaching and learning can take place by promoting a physically, emotionally, socially, and academically secure climate for students
    BC Course: EDG4410

  • child and adolescent development including theories and principles of learning
    BC Course: EDP4004

  • educational assessment practices that include analysis and application of data from statewide standardized assessments and other multiple sources to improve instruction and learning
    BC Course: EDF4430

  • effective instructional techniques, strategies, and materials to meet the needs of diverse learners, including students with disabilities
    BC Course: EDF3280

  • instructional strategies for teaching students of limited English proficiency including instruction in the English language and development of the student's mastery of the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Teaching experience cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.)
    BC Course: TSL3080

  • applications of research-based instructional practices in reading
    BC Course: RED3342

Full-time teachers can take advantage of the Florida State Employee Waiver and have certain classes paid for (see below for more information). When you submit a registration request, please select that you plan to use the tuition fee waiver (this will ensure that you are registered on the designated employee registration date. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to proceed with having the fees paid, for up to six credits (2 classes) each term. **If you have a Temporary Teacher Certificate then none of the classes required to transition from a temporary to the professional certificate (noted on your SOE) are eligible for the fee waiver. The only course from the certification list that is eligible is EEX3011. Please be careful when submitting the form, if you select that you plan to use the fee waiver for a course that is not EEX3011 and do not have a 5-Year-Renewable Professional Certificate, then that will delay the registration process.

Important Note: Teachers must be registered a day before the class begins based on availability in order to take advantage of the waiver without exception. For this reason, it is imperative that you mark off that you plan to use the fee waiver on the request form when submitting your registration request.


IMPORTANT: For teachers planning to use a Tuition and Fee Waiver for recertification purposes, please be advised that you must be registered for the course a business day before the class begins. Teachers with temporary certificates are not eligible for the tuition fee waiver. Visit the college calendar and filter by "State Employees" for registration date details. Once the request form is submitted students will be registered as requested and if not within the specified registration time frame, will not be eligible for the waiver for that specific term registered.

Teachers employed full-time by a school district in Florida State, including public charter school teachers, may qualify for a Tuition and Fee Waiver (PDF) for enrollment in up to six credits of undergraduate coursework in mathematics, science, or special education for recertification purposes. Teachers must present the completed Tuition and Fee Waiver with the appropriate signatures and employment verification directly to the Registration Office as well as any Broward College Cashier's Office. Registration for requested courses is based on seat availability. See the link for a list of approved Teacher Waiver Courses (PDF). Teachers enrolling in Teacher Waiver Courses are also required to follow the steps above to apply. Teachers should verify with the admissions office to ensure that they are classified for In-State tuition if necessary beforehand as the waiver is based on In-State tuition rates.

For more information about Tuition and Fee Waivers or related courses, please contact any cashier's office.