Vision Statement - To foster a welcoming, affirming, and empowering culture of respect by ensuring seamless access to all Broward College programs, activities, and services.
Mission Statement - To support the college's mission of transforming students' lives and enriching our community by providing direct services to students and promoting a college-wide shared responsibility approach to access.
Role of Accessibility Resources Determines reasonable accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities. Provides support staff on each campus to work with students to determine appropriate accommodations and arrange support services. Assists the College to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Assists in the development of self-advocacy and self-determination skills. Maintains and protects the confidentiality of student records as required by law.
Confidentiality All documentation provided to Broward Accessibility Resources staff will be strictly confidential. No information, except as provided by law, will be released to anyone, including parents, without the student's written consent. Students may sign a FERPA release form to allow communication with outside entities, family, etc.
You may apply for accommodations at Broward College by using our Online Application. Please take your time and complete the form providing the most-to-date information. Additionally, you will be able to upload your disability documentation to the application. Once we receive you application, Accessibility Resources will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.
The following scholarships may be available for students with disabilities. Please visit Financial Aid to learn more about, and apply for these scholarships. The Accessibility Resources Coordinator on your campus can verify your eligibility if you have submitted documentation of your disability.
Brooke A. Siegel Scholarship John H. Murphy Scholarship
It is a student’s responsibility to make the necessary arrangements for testing accommodations, by speaking with the professor in advance of the test date. If a reader, writer, or special computer software is needed, please speak with the Testing Center on your campus. Each campus has a Testing Center that is available for all students, but not all Testing Centers have separate rooms for testing in a distraction reduced setting.
Map of campus building locations and ADA facilities.
A. Hugh Adams Central Campus 3501 Davie Road Davie, FL 33313
ADA Facilities - Central
ADA Bathrooms
1 Building 6
Fine Arts Theatre, English
Building 1
Building 16
1 Building 7
Biological/Physical Science/Math
Building 6
Building 17
1 Building 8
Health Sciences
Building 7
Building 19
1 Building 9
Business Administration, Communications, Nursing BSN
Building 9
Building 21
1 Building 10
Gym, Classrooms
Building 10
Building 22
3 Building 17
U/C Library, Learning Resources
Building 11
Building 23
1 Building 22
Institute for Public Safety
Building 13
Building 108
Parking Garage on all floors
North Campus 1000 Coconut Creek Boulevard Coconut Creek, FL 33066
ADA Facilities - North
ADA Bathrooms
Building 41
Health Sciences
Building 41
Building 51
Building 46
Student Services
Building 46
Building 56
Building 47
Building 47
Building 57
Building 48
Engineering Technology/Computer Science
Building 48
Building 60
Building 49
Campus Administration/Classrooms
Building 49
Building 62
Building 51
Fine Arts - Visual & Performing/ Business Administration/Bachelor of Applied Science Programs/ Teacher Education
Building 50
Building 57
Building 62
Judson A. Samuels South Campus 7200 Pines Boulevard Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
ADA Facilities - South
ADA Bathrooms
Building 66
Science Building
Building 65
Building 68
Student Services
Building 69
Building 69
Classroom Building
Building 71
Building 70
Technical Building
Building 72
Building 71
Schlesinger Hall
Building 81
Building 81
South Regional Library
Building 99
How to apply for services
To be eligible for accommodations, a student must satisfy the definition of a disability as established by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Section 504 defines a disability as any person who:
has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities
has a record of such an impairment
is regarded as having such an impairment
First you must self-disclose your disability to Accessibility Resources.
If you would like to request accommodations, please provide your campus Accessibility Resources office with A) an application for services and B) appropriate documentation of your disability from a qualified diagnostician or medical doctor that addresses your disability and its impact in an educational setting. If you have questions about your documentation please contact Accessibility Resources.
After your documentation has been reviewed, and it is determined you qualify for services, an appointment will be made for an interview with a coordinator to discuss the academic accommodations/ support services needed.
It is important to understand that accommodations approved in high school do not necessarily carry over into college.
If you have provided the department with documentation of your disability the forms are not necessary. These forms are for those who may not have access to their documents.
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